Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Day of Rest, Odds and Ins

Saturday was forecast to be a day of rain, all day, in every way.  It was an easy choice to sit back, do some planning, and take care of some chores.  The planning was not that difficult in the end.  Easy for me to say as Gin is the ultimate detail person and has a wider range of sightseeing interests that she feels are important.  We decided to take a circular route that included the Warren General Store, mountain scenery, and the Quechee Gorge.

On that Saturday, we went to the grocery store for some replenishment of things.  One issue throughout the trip has been water.  We have been skittish about drinking the water at campgrounds and this is compounded by the fact that the water lines in the rv have probably been winterized with antifreeze.  Mix that with the fresh water tank having water in it for a long time and not being that happy with the source, bottled water was being used exclusively for cooking, drinking, brushing teeth, etc.  We were using about a gallon of water per person per day.  That was one of the major items on our shopping lists.

Gin went into the trip with ideas for doing some regular cooking.  I did not.  I saw it as a hassle and unnecessary - so many restaurants and so little time.  Her health concerns for both of us and self discipline are quite stringent.  In the end, we did mainly lunches out when sightseeing away from the rv and then light dinner, if any.  We do that when eating out for our day trips near home.  Lunches were sandwiches when at the rv and then some prepared food that was nuked.  Gin also had several frozen leftover dinners that we started with.  All of the above seemed to work as a strategy.  We got to sample the local fare, eat convenient/quick lunches when traveling without the hassle of trying to find a place to park an rv with a toad, not cook when tired from sightseeing, and maintain somewhat of a balanced diet with the mostly healthy foods we ate on the rv.  We returned home and were pleased to see our weights the same or slightly less, in fact.  As to the cholesterol intake, etc., it was mild compared to eating out all the time.

During a break of the seemingly perpetual rain,

 we decided to unroll the awning.  Letting it dry from time to time may prevent mold and deterioration of the fabric.  Alas, one side caught as it was starting and it ended up being cockeyed and possibly stuck - not a good thing.  Luckily, after much thought and moaning, and with trepidation, we decided to give it a shot by hitting the rewind button without trying to do anything else.  It worked.  Another calamity avoided.

Off to Warren and Woodstock, Vermont tomorrow, with a stop at the Quechee Gorge...

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