Friday, October 12, 2012

Poppin Over to Acadia National Park

It took longer than we expected to get to Acadia, but after missing the turn into the campground with faulty directions from the phone navigation app, we got there in sunshine, no less.

We had decided to try to do as much of Acadia as possible because of difficult campground reservations on the impending Columbus Day Holiday and move on the next day to Bethel, Maine.  The ladies in the campground office were extremely helpful in suggesting the highlights and routes to best enjoy Acadia.  They were right on target.

We first drove up Cadilac Mountain.  The scenery was wonderful on the way up, but the view from the top was spectacular.  To look out and see Bar Harbor and the many small islands dotting the ocean nearby was breathtaking.   For myself and with no reading about Acadia, I expected the typical, flat, sandy island with sandy beaches, etc.  However, coastline is composed of huge rocks, crashing waving and trees that pretty much go right to the water.  We stopped at Thunder Gulch, Otter Point, and Sandy Beach.  The latter is a seemingly paradoxical, to me at least, mix of sandy beach and the aforementioned rocks, etc.  It was all very spectacular and well worth the relatively short amount of time we spent on Acadia.

Thunder Gulch
Dinner was at Jordan's Pond.  The featured attraction there was their world famous popovers as shown below.  Very impressive visually, but lacking a substance as far as I am concerned.  I like my bread heavy as opposed the the light, airy popover.  The jam served with the popovers was "homemade" and really good.

Got back to the rv around eight.

Decided that we had hit the high spots at Acadia and will move on to Bethel, Maine tomorrow.  Route 2 is going to be the primary road.  It should be an interesting drive.

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